Final Conference in Rome
More than two years after the beginning of the ENHAGA project, the partners met for the very first time in Rome on June 16, 2022! The partners discussed the project and…
More than two years after the beginning of the ENHAGA project, the partners met for the very first time in Rome on June 16, 2022! The partners discussed the project and…
The final conference of the ENHAGA Project will take place in person and online on Friday 17 June 2022! The conference will be held on Auditorium Via Retti, 9:00-13:00 CET…
Η ΑΜΚΕ Σύμπλεξις και το Κύτταρο Εναλλακτικών Αναζητήσεων Νέων (ΚΕΑΝ) σας προσκαλούν στο διαδικτυακό Επιμορφωτικό Σεμινάριο για Νέους και Νέες με αντικείμενο την πρόληψη και αντιμετώπιση της σεξουαλικής παρενόχλησης –…
More than 100 people participated in the training seminars for professionals and front-line staff that took place in Greece for our project ENHAGA "Ending sexual harassment in video games". The…
The ENHAGA Training Toolkit and Package has been published in all partners' languages (English, Italian and Greek) in order to help to enrich and institutionalize the prevention of gender-based violence…
Our E-Book: “Ending Sexual Harassment in Gaming: A Review from the UK, Greece, Italy and Cyprus” is now available in our Online Resources page. You can download the Press Release…
ENHAGA's leaflet has been published and is now available in all partners' languages. You can download the English version. ENHAGA leaflet [EN] Check out our Online resources section to view…
The ENHAGA project keeps moving forward! The second transnational meeting of the ENHAGA project took place on the 26th of February 2021 via Skype, due to the ongoing restrictions resulting…
ENHAGA –End Sexual Harassment in Gaming” is a cutting edge two-year project, which started in April 2020 and will be completed in March 2022, and is funded by the Rights,…